Solving complex quadratic equations

You can solve quadratic equations over the complex numbers by completing the square1 or using the quadratic formula.

Quadratic formula. For complex \(a\), \(b\) and \(c\) (where \(a\ne0\)), the solutions to the equation \(az^2+bz+c=0\) are $$z=\frac{-b\pm\sqrt{b^2-4ac}}{2a}.$$

In general, using the √ symbol is ambiguous because we don’t know which square root we are referring to, but here it is fine because we include both square roots.

Worked exercise: Find the solutions to the equation \(z^2-4z+9=0\).
Solution: By completing the square, $$\begin{align*}
z^2-4z+4 &=-5 \\
(z-2)^2 &=-5. \end{align*}$$
Taking positive and negative square roots, we have $$\begin{align*}
z-2 &= \pm i \sqrt{5} \\
z &= 2+i\sqrt{5}

Worked exercise: Find the solutions to the equation \(z^2+(1-i)z+2+i=0\).
Solution: We will use the quadratic formula. The discriminant is equal to $$\bigtriangleup = b^2-4ac = (1-i)^2-4(2+i)=-8-6i.$$ We find that the square roots of \(-8-6i\) are \(\pm(1-3i)\). Hence, $$z= \frac{-(1-i)\pm(1-3i)}{2} = -i, -1+2i.$$


  1. Find the solutions to the following equations.
    1. \(z^2+5=0\)
    2. \(z^2+i=0\)
    3. \(z^2-2z+2=0\)
    4. \(z^2+6z+11=0\)
    5. \(2z^2-8z+10=0\)
  2. Find the solutions to the following equations.
    1. \(3z^2+3z+8=0\)
    2. \((3+2i)z^2+(2\sqrt{2}+2\sqrt{2}i)z-2=0\)
    3. \(iz^2+(-2-i)z+(6+24i)=0\)

  1. Recall that to complete the square on a quadratic equation \(z^2+bz+c=0\), we move the constant to the other side, and add \(\frac{b^2}{4}\) to get \(\left(z+\frac{b}{2}\right)^2=\frac{b^2}{4}-c\).